M3 9 Containment
system (1947) Well before the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, various governments of the free world routinely dealt with creatures both terrestrial and extraterrestrial that we're considered harmful to the public; both physically and psychologically. One of the most impressive collections of these creatures was housed in the Museum in the no famous parazoological wing. Unknown to the public, the earth was and still is a giant "bug zapper" in space, collecting organisms from inner and outer space. This particular insectoid, found alive and spitting in a button mine in Provolone Italy, killed 23 men before being drowned in a vat of Chianti. Examinations of the creature indicate a counter evolutionary mutation of a sea horse and a praying mantis with a bit of doberman pinscher thrown in as well. The cleaning staff at the museum named this specimen "Murray." Back HOME Next |